Saturday, August 28, 2010


I rolled over this morning and saw the clock read 5:26am. Oh no the alarm did not go off as it should have at 5am. I reset the alarm for Corey and carried on my morning routine in quite a peaceful manner considering how late it was. I never did feel rushed and harried and even left the house earlier than I normally do. I traveled the "old" path to work as I need to stop and pick up donuts for the office. I was very early and felt unusual peace for my morning thus far. I felt as though God kissed me gently awake telling me I needed an extra 26 minutes of sleep. I carried on my way to work with the donuts setting on the front seat. Just as I was pulling up to Baldwin from Main street, a SUV turned into my lane and the driver must have realized his error and went over the median curb to avoid hitting me. His tires squealing and his side raised I thought for sure he was going to roll however he over corrected and the hit the north curb. He then turned into the gas station and gathered himself I suppose. My light had turned green and I had intended on stopping to see if the driver was ok but something told me to keep going. I drove slowly to see where he was going next. He followed behind me unable to keep within his lane or at a consistent speed. After traveling a 1/4 mile, I realized he was a drunk driver out on the roads a 6:30am! I watched as he drove over 5 lanes of traffic hitting each curb from side to side. I picked up my cell and dialed 911 as I drove watching him in my rear view mirror. The road was unusually empty. The dispatcher requested me to stay with him as he turned into the 2nd gas station for another rest so I pulled over across the street and described his every move. He then drove across the side street to McDonald's and went through the drive-thru. I drove to the office and parked my car and stood outside as he sat for a minute with all the windows down eating. At that point a coworker came over and identified the make of the vehicle because I don't recognize many vehicles. I stood and described his moves as I was unable to follow him any longer. He traveled west with a vehicle now on his side and 4 cars and a large truck in the opposing lanes. I watched until he was out of my sight. I stood praying for those on the road with him and thanking God he protected me though the situation. I walked into the office punching in 4 minutes late. I was shaking physically but felt peace God had orchestrated my morning so perfectly and placed me just where he needed me. I put my phone away and prayed that the 2 officers called would get to him before he could hurt anyone. I had received a voicemail from OCCDA 15 minutes later requesting me to drive to 28th and Baldwin per the officer's request. By the time I had received the message and returned the call an hour later, the dispatcher explained the man I had been following was arrested for driving under the influence and was sitting behind bars as we spoke. Tears of relief streamed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word Jennifer. I'm giving thanks right now for the hedge of protection that surrounded you. God's favor and his angels were around you on all sides. I'm in tears at the thought of the possible loss of you in my life. You are a treasure to me and obviously to our Lord.

    There is never a doubt in my mind that our steps are ordered of God. He knows are coming and our going.

    I pray that not a single person was hurt due to this man's bad choices. You, my friend, are invaluable in my life and just the thought of not having you breaks my heart.

    God, what a deliverer He is! I'm thankful that no weapon formed against you was allowed to prosper. The enemy has been defeated once again.

    Love you with my whole heart Jennifer!

    Thanks for blogging this. It's a true reminder of our God's protection and proof that He has great things in store for you and your life here with those that love you and those that need to know a Savior.

    I'd sure be hugging you tightly right now if I could! Love ya girl!
