Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Todd Keene and the Power Team

Our home church, Rush Creek Bible Church, served host to Todd Keene and the Power team earlier this month. The Power Team is a group of athletes who perform great exhibitions of power, strength, speed, inspiration, and motivation. They performed five evening shows and went to thirteen schools during their visit with us. The school Assemblies are presentations of encouragement and inspiration as the Power Team encourage kids to stay away from drugs, alcohol, cutting, and suicide. Each evening show lead to a powerful gospel presentation. God is using the Power Team to reach kids all over this nation. They are able to reach many individuals the church can not reach for Christ through this "unconventional" method.

I must admit, the muscle building and strength shows are not "my thing", but I enjoyed watching all the kids take the team on as a positive role model in their lives and even more kids and adults turning from death to life as they made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior.

Saber is the Power Team's first female member. Being the only female member, she is a powerful witness to many little girls who look up to her as a role model. Saber quickly became Rhianna's favorite Power Team member. She asked for two hundred frying pans to learn practice rolling them up into a burrito just like Saber!

1 comment:

  1. We have a power team from Res. I've never actually seen them, but heard great things!
