Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gramma's 90th Birthday

Today is Gramma Pleune's 90th birthday! The angels are celebrating with her in heaven as we celebrate her life spent with us. She left her home here on earth a week after her 88th birthday. I sure miss my little lady!

I grew up with Gramma living with us in our home. She went everywhere with us and did everything we did. She even went camping with us. Fun times!

She was always willing to try anything new. Corey and I taught her how to shoot pool just two months before she passed away.

Miss you Gramma! Happy 90th Birthday!


  1. We were both blessed with amazing grandma's. Mine left this earth after 93 years. I miss her always! She was my friend and the one lady I longed to be just like. Dave tells me often that I am very much like her and it blesses my heart.

  2. Thanks for posting the pictures. Great memories. I miss her positive, caring spirit. So many things remind me of her...
